Although primarily an economic theorist, Levine has
participated in, contributed to research in, and worked with scholars
across a broad range of disciplines ranging from quantum physics and
mathematics to law, medicine, computer science, political science, and,
of course, economics.
Levine has published a book
about the role of psychology in economics. He was founding director of
the cross-disciplinary California Social Sciences Experimental
Laboratory (CASSEL), which brought together experimental research in
economics, political science, law, management, sociology, anthropology
and more. He is a blogger for the Huffington Post writing about a
diverse range of issues, and currently has a joint NSF grant with two
computer scientists. In addition to computer science, he has been
involved in joint research in anthropology, law, finance, and medieval
history. He reviewed promotions in every department and school at UCLA
from engineering and the biological sciences to architecture, film, and
theater arts, and has reviewed grant proposals in computer science as
well as in economics. He has participated in panel discussions, given
lectures and made presentations at a variety of forums on topics
ranging from climate change, geography, neuroscience, psychology,
political science, and law to history and philosophy.
Here are some of his other interdisciplinary highlights:
Journals published in: American
Political Science Review; American Institute of Mathematical Sciences:
Journal of Dynamics and Games; Journal of Economic Psychology; Cato
Papers on Public Policy; Canadian Medical Association Journal; Review
of Law and Economics; Washington University Journal of Law &
Policy; Artificial Intelligence; Review of Research on Copyright
Issues; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences; Encyclopedia
of Cognitive Science; Journal of Econometrics
Journals refereed for: Academy of
Management Review, Behavioral and Brain Sciences; Affective, and
Behavioral Neuroscience; Ethical Theory and Moral Practice; Journal of
Business and Economic Statistics; Journal of Labor Economics; Journal
of Multivariate Analysis; Labour; Mathematics of Operations Research;
Operations Research; Physical Review Letters; Rationality and Society
Despite these interdisciplinary credentials and the immense value he
places on the what he has learned from his colleagues in other
disciplines, Levine does not believe that a useful goal of research is
to be interdisciplinary. The goal of research is to advance knowledge,
and while at times that may mean it is interdisciplinary, good research
in the social sciences is necessarily narrow in focus. That means it is
generally not interdisciplinary.
fax: (314) 935-4156; phone: 314-935-9529
administrative assistant: Carissa Re 314-935-9529 Seigle Hall 315A
- David Levine
- Department of Economics
- Washington University in St. Louis
- Campus Box 1208
- St. Louis MO 63130-4899 USA
- Office in Seigle 336
Appointments are best arranged by email at