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"As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain; and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality."
Albert Einstein


Game Theory

Intellectual Property

General Equilibrium

General Interest


Old Slides




Papers by David and his coauthors in economic theory, mathematical economics and game theory. Documents are available in PDF.

Game Theory:

"Vote or Fight?" [10/14/24] (with C. Martinelli and N. Stoelinga)
"Behavioral Mechanism Design in the Repeated Prisoner's Dilemma" [10/08/24]
"Behavioral Mechanism Design as a Benchmark for Experimental Studies" [06/06/24]
"Razor-Thin Mass Elections with High Turnout" [01/27/24] (with C. Martinelli)
"Efficiently Breaking the Folk Theorem by Reliably Communicating Long Term Commitments" [12/04/23]
"Cooperating Through Leaders" [07/10/23] (with S. Modica and A. Rustichini)
"Twin Peaks: Expressive Externality in Group Participation" [05/27/23] (with S. Modica and J. Sun)
"When to Appease and When to Punish: Hitler, Putin, and Hamas" [05/27/23] (with L. Ohanian)
"Adjusting to Change in Complex Systems" [03/15/23] (with D. Fudenberg)
"The Tripartite Auction Folk Theorem" [02/18/23] (with A. Mattozzi and S. Modica)
"On Concave Functions over Lotteries" [02/15/23] (with R. Corrao and D. Fudenberg)
"Adversarial forecasters, surprises and randomization" [02/04/23] (with R. Corrao and D. Fudenberg)
"Polarization and Electoral Balance" [02/04/23] (with A. Mattozzi)
"True Myths" [01/30/23]
"Social Mechanisms and Political Economy: When Lobbyists Succeed, Pollsters Fail and Populists Win" [12/19/22] (with A. Mattozzi and S. Modica)
"Phoenix From the Ashes: The Evolution of Mechanism Designers" [11/16/22]
"Survival of the Weakest: Why the West Rules" [08/03/22] (with S. Modica)
"Failing to Provide Public Goods: Why the Afghan Army did not Fight" [09/20/21] (with R. Dutta and S. Modica)
"Labor Associations: The Blue Wall of Silence" [09/03/21] (with A. Mattozzi and S. Modica)
"The Reputation Trap" [04/24/21]
"Success in Contests" [04/22/21] (with A. Mattozzi)
"Interventions with Sticky Social Norms: A Critique" [02/25/21] (with R. Dutta and S. Modica)
"The Whip and the Bible: Punishment Versus Internalization" [10/16/20] (with R. Dutta and S. Modica)
"Sins of Omission and Commission in Complex Systems" [08/04/20] (with D. Fudenberg)
"Fine Cartels" [08/04/20]
"State Power and Conflict Driven Evolution" [07/21/20] (with S. Modica)
"Voter Turnout with Peer Punishment" [06/01/20] (with A. Mattozzi)
"Learning in Games and the Interpretation of Natural Experiments" [11/30/19] (with D. Fudenberg)
"Interventions when Social Norms are Endogenous: A Critique" [08/13/18] (with R. Dutta and S. Modica)
"Peer Monitoring, Ostracism and the Internalization of Social Norms" [02/20/18] (with R. Dutta and S. Modica)
"Damned if You Do and Damned if You Don't: Two Masters" [12/05/17] (with R. Dutta and S. Modica)
"Learning Dynamics Based on Social Comparisons" [08/17/17] (with J. Block and D. Fudenberg)
"Voter Turnout with Peer Punishment (working paper version)" [03/22/17] (with A. Mattozzi)
"An Evolutionary Model of Intervention and Peace" [12/13/16] (with S. Modica)
"Collusion Constrained Equilibrium" [09/23/16] (with R. Dutta and S. Modica)
"Voter Participation with Collusive Parties" [05/18/16] (with A. Mattozzi)
"A Folk Theorem with Codes of Conduct" [05/15/16] (with J. Block)
"Size, Fungibility, and the Strength of Lobbying Organizations" [05/07/16] (with S. Modica)
"Whither Game Theory?" [01/31/16] (with D. Fudenberg)
"Collusion, Randomization, and Leadership in Groups" [01/25/15] (with R. Dutta and S. Modica)
"A Unifying Learning Framework for Building Artificial Game-Playing Agents" [01/24/15] (with W. Chen and Y. Chen)
"Altruism and Self Control" [12/01/14] (with A. Dreber, D. Fudenberg and D. Rand)
"Collusion, Randomization and Leadership in Groups" [10/17/14] (with R. Dutta and S. Modica)
"Peer Discipline and Incentives Within Groups" [08/16/14] (with S. Modica)
"Dynamics in Stochastic Evolutionary Models" [05/10/14] (with S. Modica)
"Learning with Recency Bias" [12/16/13] (with D. Fudenberg)
"Peer Discipline and the Strength of Organizations" [07/20/13] (with S. Modica)
"Conflict, Evolution, Hegemony, and the Power of the State" [04/15/13] (with S. Modica)
"Market for Degrees and Educational Standards" [04/15/13] (with S. Modica)
"Tail Probabilities for Triangular Arrays" [04/14/13] (with D. Fudenberg)
"Codes of Conduct, Private Information and Repeated Games" [08/14/12] (with J. Block)
"An Approximate Dual-Self Model and Paradoxes of Choice under Risk" [08/03/12] (with D. Fudenberg and Z. Maniadis)
"Anti-Malthus: Conflict and the Evolution of Societies" [09/17/11] (with S. Modica)
"Evolving to the Impatience Trap: The Example of the Farmer-Sheriff Game" [08/06/11] (with S. Modica, F. Weinschelbaum and F. Zurita)
"Neuroeconomics?" [03/03/11]
"Virtual Model Validation for Economics" [01/31/11]
"Fairness and Independence: An Impossibility Theorem" [01/30/11] (with D. Fudenberg)
"On the Robustness of Anchoring Effects in WTP and WTA Experiments" [10/09/10] (with D. Fudenberg and Z. Maniadis)
"Timing and Self-Control" [09/06/10] (with D. Fudenberg)
"The Relationship of Economic Theory to Experiments" [07/21/10] (with J. Zheng)
"Risk, Delay, and Convex Self-Control Costs" [10/14/09] (with D. Fudenberg)
"Is Behavioral Economics Doomed?" [06/20/09]
"The Relationship of Economic Theory to Experiments" [02/03/09]
"Erratum to 'Folk Theorem with Imperfect Public Information'" [10/26/08] (with D. Fudenberg and E. Maskin)
"Learning-Theoretic Foundations for Equilibrium Analysis" [08/03/08] (with D. Fudenberg)
"A Large Deviation Theorem for Triangular Arrays" [12/13/07] (with D. Fudenberg)
"Repeated Games with Frequent Signals" [12/13/07] (with D. Fudenberg)
"The Slippery Slope of Concession" [12/05/07] (with J. Hirshleifer and M. Boldrin)
"Self Confirming Equilibrium and the Lucas Critique" [04/05/07] (with D. Fudenberg)
"Policy Platforms, Campaign Spending and Voter Participation" [03/17/07] (with H. Herrera and C. Martinelli)
"Continuous Time Limits of Repeated Games with Imperfect Public Monitoring" [02/02/07] (with D. Fudenberg)
"The Brother in Law Effect" [10/23/06] (with F. Weinschelbaum and F. Zurita)
"An Economists Perspective on Multi-Agent Learning" [10/05/06] (with D. Fudenberg)
"Deterrence in the Cold War and the War on Terror" [03/28/06] (with R. Levine)
"Can A Turing Player Identify Itself?" [01/29/06] (with B. Szentes)
"Quantum Games Have No News For Economics" [12/04/05]
"Auctions and Relationships" [09/28/05]
"The Paradox of Voter Participation: A Laboratory Study" [09/13/05] (with T. Palfrey)
"A Dual Self Model of Impulse Control" [07/28/05] (with D. Fudenberg)
"Superstition and Rational Learning" [07/16/05] (with D. Fudenberg)
"When is Reputation Bad" [04/08/05] (with J. Ely and D. Fudenberg)
"Evolution of Cooperation Through Imitation" [03/25/05] (with W. Pesendorfer)
"Perfect Public Equilibrium When Players are Patient" [09/26/04] (with D. Fudenberg and S. Takahashi)
"The Nash Threats Folk Theorem With Communication and Approximate Common Knowledge in Two Player Games" [06/04/04] (with D. Fudenberg)
"Learning to Play Bayesian Games" [07/21/02] (with E. Dekel and D. Fudenberg)
"Game Theory" [06/19/01]
"Subjective Uncertainty Over Behavior Strategies: A Correction" [06/16/01] (with E. Dekel and D. Fudenberg)
"Introduction: The Dynamic Games Special Issue" [09/08/00] (with A. Rustichini)
"Evolution and Information in a Gift Giving Game" [06/04/00] (with P. Johnson and W. Pesendorfer)
"Evolution Through Imitation in a Single Population" [05/09/00] (with W. Pesendorfer)
"The Castle on the Hill" [01/04/00]
"Payoff Information and Self-Confirming Equilibrium" [01/24/99] (with E. Dekel and D. Fudenberg)
"Learning in the Stock Flow Model" [12/29/97]
"Modeling Altruism and Spitefulness in Experiments" [10/17/97]
"Reputation with Noisy Precommitment" [08/13/97] (with C. Martinelli)
"Conditional Universal Consistency" [08/13/97] (with D. Fudenberg)
"Reputation and Distribution in a Gift Giving Game" [12/07/96]
"Measuring Subject’s Losses in Experimental Games" [12/07/96] (with D. Fudenberg)
"An Easier Way to Calibrate" [12/07/96] (with D. Fudenberg)
The Theory of Learning in Games [12/03/96] (with D. Fudenberg)
"Consistency and Cautious Fictitious Play" [10/29/96] (with D. Fudenberg)
"Maintaining a Reputation against a Patient Opponent" [10/29/96] (with M. Celentani, D. Fudenberg and W. Pesendorfer)
"Efficiency and Observability with Long-Run and Short-Run Players" [01/01/94] (with D. Fudenberg)
"The Folk Theorem with Imperfect Public Information" [01/01/94] (with D. Fudenberg and E. Maskin)
"Steady State Learning and Nash Equilibrium" [01/01/93] (with D. Fudenberg)
"Self-Confirming Equilibrium" [01/01/93] (with D. Fudenberg)
"An Approximate Folk Theorem with Imperfect Private Information" [01/01/91] (with D. Fudenberg)
"Reputation and Equilibrium Selection in Games with a Patient Player" [01/01/89] (with D. Fudenberg)
"Open and Closed-Loop Equilibria in Dynamic Games With Many Players" [01/01/88] (with D. Fudenberg)
"On the Robustness of Equilibrium Refinements" [01/01/88] (with D. Fudenberg and D. Kreps)
"Incomplete Information Bargaining with Outside Opportunities" [01/01/87] (with D. Fudenberg and J. Tirole)
"Limit Games and Limit Equilibria" [01/01/86] (with D. Fudenberg)
"Infinite-Horizon Models of Bargaining with One-Sided Incomplete Information" [01/01/85] (with D. Fudenberg and J. Tirole)
"Subgame-Perfect Equilibria of Finite- and Infinite-Horizon Games" [01/01/83] (with D. Fudenberg)
"Chapter 1 Appendix: The Enforcement of Collusion in Oligopoly" [12/30/81]
"Chapter 2: Long Run Collusion in a Partially Myopic Industry" [12/30/81]
"Chapter 1: The Enforcement of Collusion in a Quadratic Symmetric Oligopoly" [12/30/81]

Innovation, Growth and Intellectual Property:

"A Theory of the Dynamics of Factor Shares" [05/10/22] (with M. Boldrin, Y. Wang and L. Zhu)
"Intellectual Property" [12/01/14] (with M. Boldrin)
"The Case Against Patents" [08/03/12] (with M. Boldrin)
"Quality Ladders, Competition and Endogenous Growth" [03/23/10] (with M. Boldrin)
"Does Intellectual Monopoly Help Innovation" [12/25/09] (with M. Boldrin)
"Market Structure and Property Rights in Open Source" [05/06/09] (with M. Boldrin)
"A Model of Discovery" [01/20/09] (with M. Boldrin)
"Market Structure and Property Rights in Open Source Industries" [07/10/08] (with M. Boldrin)
"Appropriation and Intellectual Property" [07/06/08] (with M. Boldrin)
"Market Size and Intellectual Property Protection" [03/04/08] (with M. Boldrin)
"Intellectual Property and the Efficient Allocation of Surplus from Innovations" [10/05/06] (with M. Boldrin)
"Perfectly Competitive Innovation" [10/05/06] (with M. Boldrin)
"IP and Market Size" [07/17/05] (with M. Boldrin)
"Intellectual Property and the Efficient Allocation of Surplus from Creation" [05/20/05] (with M. Boldrin)
"Perfectly Competitive Innovation (Growth)" [02/22/05] (with M. Boldrin)
"The Economics of Ideas and Intellectual Property" [10/14/04] (with M. Boldrin)
"IER Lawrence Klein Lecture: The Case Against Intellectual Monopoly" [10/21/03] (with M. Boldrin)
"Rent Seeking and Innovation" [04/16/03] (with M. Boldrin)
"Perfectly Competitive Innovation" [01/19/02] (with M. Boldrin)
"The Case Against Intellectual Property" [01/14/02] (with M. Boldrin)
"Factor Saving Innovation" [07/18/01] (with M. Boldrin)
"Perfectly Competitive Innovation" [10/23/00] (with M. Boldrin)
"Growth Cycles and Market Crashes" [09/05/99] (with M. Boldrin)

General Equilibrium Theory:

"Reforming Patent Law: The Case of Covid‐​19" [10/20/21] (with M. Boldrin)
"Trade Associations: Why Not Cartels?" [06/01/19] (with A. Mattozzi and S. Modica)
"Radical Markets by Eric Posner and Glen Weyl: a review essay" [05/01/19]
"Entertaining Malthus: Bread, Circuses and Economic Growth" [06/22/16] (with R. Dutta, N. Papageorge and L. Wu)
"Entertaining Malthus: Bread, Circuses and Economic Growth" [01/20/14] (with L. Wu, R. Dutta and N. Papageorge)
"Competition and Innovation" [08/29/11] (with M. Boldrin, J. Allamand and C. Ornaghi)
"What’s Intellectual Property Good for?" [04/08/11] (with M. Boldrin)
"Production Chains" [09/06/10]
"Monopoly and the Incentive to Innovate When Adoption Involves Switchover Disruptions" [02/29/08] (with T. Holmes and J. Schmitz Jr)
"All the Interesting Questions, Almost All the Wrong Reasons" [03/25/07] (with M. Boldrin)
"Globalization, Intellectual Property, and Economic Prosperity" [12/31/06] (with M. Boldrin)
"Bankruptcy and Collateral in Debt Constrained Models" [10/13/06] (with T. Kehoe)
"Learning and Belief Based Trading" [09/15/05] (with D. Fudenberg)
"Does Market Incompleteness Matter" [09/25/01] (with W. Zame)
"Information Aggregation, Currency Swaps, and the Design of Derivative Securities" [07/11/01] (with B. Chowdhry and M. Grinblatt)
"Lotteries, Sunspots and Incentive Constraints" [08/01/00] (with T. Kehoe and E. Prescott)
"Risk Sharing and Market Incompleteness" [04/17/00] (with W. Zame)
"Liquidity Constrained vs. Debt Constrained Markets" [02/28/00] (with T. Kehoe)
"Balanced-Budget Mechanisms with Incomplete Information" [12/07/96] (with D. Fudenberg and E. Maskin)
"When are Non-Anonymous Players Negligible" [12/07/96] (with D. Fudenberg and W. Pesendorfer)
"Debt Constraints and Equilibrium in Infinite Horizon Economies with Incomplete Markets" [01/01/96] (with W. Zame)
"When Are Agents Negligible?" [01/01/95] (with W. Pesendorfer)
"Debt Constrained Asset Markets" [01/01/93] (with T. Kehoe)
"Trembling Invisible Hand Equilibrium" [01/01/93]
"On Characterizing Equilibria of Models with Externalities and Taxes as Solutions to Optimization Problems" [01/01/92] (with T. Kehoe and P. Romer)
"Gross Substitutes in Large Square Economics" [01/01/91] (with T. Kehoe, A. Mas-Colell and M. Woodford)
"Asset Trading Mechanisms and Expansionary Policy" [01/01/91]
"The Economics of Indeterminacy in Overlapping Generations Models" [01/01/90] (with T. Kehoe)
"Indeterminacy in Applied Intertemporal General Equilibrium Models" [01/01/90] (with T. Kehoe)
"Determinacy of Equilibrium in Dynamic Models with Finitely Many Consumers" [01/01/90] (with T. Kehoe and P. Romer)
"Steady States and Determinacy in Economies with Infinitely Lived Agents" [01/01/89] (with T. Kehoe and P. Romer)
"Determinacy of Equilibrium in Large Square Economies" [01/01/89] (with T. Kehoe, A. Mas-Colell and W. Zame)
"Infinite Horizon Equilibrium with Incomplete Markets" [01/01/89]
"Efficiency and the Value of Money" [01/01/89]
"Nash Equilibria Equal Competitive Equilibria" [01/01/87]
"Comparative Statics and Perfect Foresight in Infinite Horizon Economies" [01/01/85] (with T. Kehoe)
"A Simple Durable Goods Model" [01/01/85]
"Regularity in Overlapping Generations Exchange Economies" [01/01/84] (with T. Kehoe)
"Intertemporal Separability in Overlapping Generations Models" [01/01/84] (with T. Kehoe)
"Innovacio - a verseny szemszogebol" [12/31/69] (with M. Boldrin)

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Nos. SBR-93-20695, SBR-96-17899, SES-99-86170 and SES-03-14713. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation

Complete list of publications.

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The Slippery Slope of Concession with Jack Hirshleifer and Michele Boldrin